T Time and the Trot

T Time and the Trot

Maggi and her human have come a very long way together and I am incredibly proud of both of them. Maggi for allowing us to show her we are here for her, and her human for allowing the time that has taken. The progress now is much quicker but no less delicate. Being...
Is It Art?

Is It Art?

The more I share this space with the horses and evolve my conversations with them the more I realise that this is art.I am drawn to the fact that in the first instance we need to be open to appreciate that which we don’t understand.Like a work of art, with ego placed...
Dancing With Horses

Dancing With Horses

Dancing with Horses… and their Humans. I repeat often that words matter and those we choose set a tone for the conversation to follow. Equally our movements impact the connection we have with our partners. I am fortunate to have had a background in dance as a child...
Feelings are not Bad!

Feelings are not Bad!

Feelings are not bad… Horses for me invoke such strong feelings that to remove them from my coaching would be dishonest. ⁣ With that said I am very aware how feelings can affect the horses ability to understand if they cloud the conversation. This can create...
Young Minds

Young Minds

Playing with young horses is a privilege and a joy but also a huge responsibility. Their young minds are easily over loaded. One observation I have made over the years is how little attention is given to how we hold the lead rope, especially when we are doing...

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